Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's not dark yet, but it's getting there

How do you get over the love of your life? I wish I knew. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, this is not the first time it has happened with her, but this time has finality written all over it. The signs were there, I chose to ignore them. Actually chose to ignore might not be the best way to describe it... I always thought it would work out. I thought me loving her as much as I could would be enough. Unfortunately, she didn't feel the same. How can this be when everything inside of me tells me that she's the one? Is it because she's been my absolute best friend for the better part of the last 11 years? I'm so heartbroken... My life has never been so unsure, with me leaving for 2+ months to Colorado, and putting my AZ life on hold. I thought I'd have her to come home to. It doesn't bother me that she has found someone else, but it does bother me that this person all of a sudden appeared after I voiced my displeasure in her calling me "untrustworthy." Did I cause this by being upset? I'll never know. What do I do if I come home to her in a serious relationship? Is it finally time to get rid of the ring I got 7 years ago? Even in my hardest economic hardship I kept it. I sold my Gibson Les Paul over that ring. All I do know is I've lost her all over again and I don't know if I should throw in the towel or not. I'm not a quitter, I've never quit on anything in my life. Is she really worth all the fighting for? It feels like i should walk away, but I watch too many endless love movies... I watch too many underdog movies... Too many tears have been shed this evening. I read her texts from last week and wonder what the hell just happened? Everything was fine! Sigh... Everything happens for a reason. I will be able to sleep well at night knowing I did everything I could to love that woman. But damn this hurts. Bad.

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